Search Filtered Channels


Returns channels that match the search criteria. Results are sorted by similarity score.


This endpoint expects an object.
exactMatchset of stringsRequired

Will return only channels that contain all strings specified as exact matches (case insensitive).

dataSourcesset of stringsRequired
tagsmap from strings to maps from strings to stringsRequired

For each data source specified as a key, search will only return channels containing a superset of the tags specified for that given datasource. If a data source is present in the dataSources field but not in this map, or if a data source points to an empty map of tags, it will be searched without tag filters.

previouslySelectedChannelsmap from strings to sets of stringsOptional

Defaults to 10000. Will throw if larger than 10000.


If specified, search will only return channels that have had new data after the specified time.


If specified, search will only return channels that have data before the specified time.


This endpoint returns an object.
resultslist of objects
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