Connections in Nominal with Python

Nominal can connect to a variety of 3rd-party API services, time series databases, and cloud file stores (e.g. S3). These connections are displayed on the Connections page of your Nominal tenant.

In addition to support for connecting to external data sources, Nominal also has its own internal time series database. This guide details how to establish a connection to this database and stream channel data to it in Python.

Connections are objects that sit on top of an underlying database connected to Nominal (Influx, Timescale, etc). Connections are not the data source itself.

This guide only covers connecting and streaming to Nominal’s internal time series database. This is the easiest and fastest way to stream data to Nominal.

To set up streaming to an external database connected to Nominal, please reach out to us in our shared Slack/Teams channel.

Streaming Data to Nominal


Make sure you have the nominal Python packages installed. You can install it using:

1pip3 install nominal

Connect to Nominal

Get your Nominal API token from your User settings page.

See the Quickstart for more details on connecting to Nominal from Python.

1import nominal as nm
4 url = '',
5 token = '* * *' # Replace with your Access Token from
6 #
If you’re not sure whether your company has a Nominal tenant, please reach out to us.

Creating a Connection to Nominal’s Internal Time Series Database

You only need to run the code below to create a connection once!

Moreover, you may not even need to create a new connection if you or a colleague has already set one up. Check the connections page for existing connections where Type = nominal and Status = Connected.

To stream data to a Connection, first create a connection to Nominal’s internal time series database. The datasource_id must be unique within your organization, and connection_name is a friendly name that will appear on the Nominal platform under all connections.

1connection = nm.create_streaming_connection(
2 datasource_id="my-unique-datasource-id",
3 connection_name="my-connection-name"

You can access this connection later using its rid. You can find the rid in connection.rid of the code above or look it up on the Nominal platform in the “Connections” section and use it in the nm.get_connection() function

Streaming Data Non-Blocking to the Connection

The Nominal client provides a convenient way to write data to the connection without blocking your application during network requests, which can be slow compared to your sample rate.

Writing a Single Data Point

First, we’ll write a single data point to verify that it arrives correctly on the Nominal platform.

1from datetime import datetime
3with connection.get_write_stream(batch_size=1) as stream:
4 now =
5 stream.enqueue(channel_name="my_channel_name", timestamp=now, value=0.0)

In this example:

  • channel_name: You can choose any name for your channel.
  • timestamp: Can be a Python datetime object, a string in ISO format (e.g., “2024-12-31T15:00:00.001Z”), or a time in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.

Viewing the Data Point in Nominal

After executing this code snippet, we will create a Run and a Workbook, so we can see the data point.

Creating a run

1run = nm.create_run(name="my_run_name", start=now, end=None)
2run.add_connection("some_ref", connection)

Creating a Workbook

  1. Navigate to the Run section on the Nominal platform.
  2. Locate and select your run named “my_run_name”.
  3. Click on “New Workbook” on the top right-hand side of the page and select “New Empty Workbook”.
  4. In the left pane under “Channel Search”, you should see “my_channel_name”.
  5. Drag and drop “my_channel_name” into the “Time Series Chart”.
  6. Click the play button at the top middle of the page to display the data point.

You should see the data point that written.

Streaming Continuous Data

Now, let’s stream more data points to this channel.

1import random
2from time import sleep
4with connection.get_write_stream(batch_size=1) as stream:
5 for i in range(1000):
6 now =
7 value = random.random()
8 print(f"Sending data point at {now}: {value}")
9 stream.enqueue(channel_name="my_channel_name", timestamp=now, value=value)
10 sleep(1)

After running this code, you can see new data points appearing in your Workbook. To view the latest data points more effectively, select “Last Minute” in the “Time History” dropdown at the top middle of the page.

Streaming Multi-Channel Data to the Connection

The stream allows for streaming multiple channels, with different intervals simultaneously.

1from datetime import timedelta
3with connection.get_write_stream(max_wait=timedelta(seconds=2)) as stream:
4 for i in range(1000):
5 now =
6 value1 = random.random()
7 msg = f"Sending data at {now}: channel1={value1}"
9 stream.enqueue(channel_name="my_channel_name", timestamp=now, value=value1)
10 if int(now.timestamp()) % 2 == 0:
11 value2 = random.random()
12 msg += f", channel2={value2}"
13 stream.enqueue(channel_name="my_channel_name_2", timestamp=now, value=value2)
14 print(msg)
15 sleep(1)

After executing the code above, refresh your Workbook in the browser. In the “Channel Search” section, you should now see “my_channel_name_2”. Drag and drop it into the “Time Series Chart” and click the play button at the top middle of the page to view the data.

Writing String Data

In addition to numeric time series, Nominal supports storing string values in channels. This feature can be especially useful for logging discrete states, operational modes, or textual annotations that accompany numeric telemetry.

To write string data, you follow the same steps as for numeric data; the only difference is that the value you enqueue is a string. For example, you might log a series of system “modes” or “states” over time:

1from time import sleep
2from datetime import datetime
4with connection.get_nominal_write_stream(batch_size=1) as stream:
5 # We'll cycle through three mode states repeatedly
6 for value in ["mode A", "mode B", "mode C"] * 10:
7 now =
8 print(f"Sending data point at {now}: {value}")
9 stream.enqueue(channel_name="my_string_channel_name", timestamp=now, value=value)
10 sleep(3)

Write string to stream

Adding Tags to Filter Data in a Run or Asset

When multiple assets write data to a connection, you can use tags to filter data within runs or assets. Tags are specified on the connection and referenced when adding the connection to a run or asset.

Creating a Connection

Define a connection:

1connection = nm.create_streaming_connection(
2 datasource_id="my-unique-datasource-id",
3 connection_name="my-connection-name",

Filtering Data with Tags in a Run

When creating a run, specify the tags to filter the data on:

1run = nm.create_run(name="my_run_name", start=now, end=None)
3 "satellite",
4 connection,
5 series_tags={"satellite_id": "xc01"}

Logging Data with Tags

Log data to the connection using the specified tags:

1from datetime import timedelta
3with connection.get_write_stream(max_wait=timedelta(seconds=2)) as stream:
4 ...
5 stream.enqueue(
6 channel_name="temperature",
7 timestamp=now,
8 value=0.1,
9 tags={"satellite_id": "xc01"}
10 )
11 stream.enqueue(
12 channel_name="temperature",
13 timestamp=now,
14 value=0.2,
15 tags={"satellite_id": "xc02"}
16 )

When viewing the data in a Workbook for the run, you will see that the temperature channel only has the value 0.1. The value 0.2 will be in a Run that has series_tags={"satellite_id": "xc02"}.

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